Tuesday, April 28, 2015

11th Plauge (book review)

In a future world, China has released a plauge that went on to decimate the world. Now the surviving humans most form new societies. /the story follows a boy and his son as they travel across the nation looking for scraps to survive. One thing leads to another, and the dad is left in a coma with boy having to fend for himself.

Thursday, April 23, 2015

If I was in any video game... (SOL)

If I was in any video game, I would be in the Arkham games (Arkham Asylum, Arkham City, Arkham Origins, and now Arkham Knight). This is because this series combines the Batman comics, and video game culture in a great way, and has reinvented all the characters to make them fit the story line better (revamped costumes, great voice acting, and awesome boss fights). This story line is my computer's wallpaper along with the idea for my Halloween costume. Overall, this series is so well done, I would like to be able to participate in its story.

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

The Road (book review)

The Road is a post apocalyptic book about a man and his son traveling along a road. This story has very strong character development and setting. This book is very unique. It was interesting, but the writing style was a bit tricky, so I would recommend this book to teenagers to adults.

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

The Road (book review)

The Road is a post apocalyptic book about a man and his son, as they try to survive. They are walking along an old interstate road trying to get south (where it's warmer). They must also face starvation, cannibalism, and freezing.

Overall, I really like this book's vivid detail, and strong character development. The writing style is difficult, and the topic is mature, so I would recommend this book for older students.

Friday, April 10, 2015

Easter SOL

Easter is a fun holiday. You get lots of candy, and you get a whole week off as well. The thing is the whole holiday is about a guy being crucified (a slow and painful death) and then his body is "magically" stolen. It's probably the saddest holiday there is, and yet a giant bunny goes around giving kids candy. I guess that is what capitalism does to society. Christmas is about presents, Valentines is about getting chocolate, and St. Patrick's day is all about stealing gold from a tiny person. Overall, I think all holidays are changed to fit a greedy system. Luckily we get candy and presents instead of cabbage and brussel sprouts.
image from: http://www.toptenz.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/easter1.jpg

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Not a slice of life (book review)

I read two books. Enders shadow and Threatened. Since I  already talked about Enders Shadow, I will write a review about Threatened. In this book, a boy named Luc explores the jungle. Through this he learns that the monsters of his childhood are actually loving creatures. This was a pretty good book with  well developed characters and a strong plot line. Overall, I liked this book and would recommend it to all AS kids.