Friday, March 6, 2015

Why math? (day 6)

I recently saw a video by a math professor about why people don’t like math. I would like to re-say this to my Logan School peers (and others). In it, he talked about how people don’t like math because it is taught in a way that only shows part of what math is. It would be like if in art class, you only learned how to paint a wall. You would never learn about great artists, and all of the different forms of art. Then, if you said you were bad at art, what you would be meaning, is that you’re bad at painting a wall. This is also true with math. People say they are bad at math, but they don’t yet know what they are good at, or what they are striving for in mathematics. What really needs to happen, is for teachers to help students understand math as a whole instead of just how to remember a certain formula. Remember to comment, subscribe, and drink more hot chocolate.

Charles_Matton_painting_a_red_wall.jpgimage from:


  1. I agree Adrian. But, I don't know if that is going to happen for a while… Nice slice!

  2. I agree too. I also think that it's kind of a problem that people think they don't like math. Cool slice.

  3. Math is filled with interesting things, and definitely more than 'painting a wall'. Good point. FYI-your link isn't directing straight to the link!
